3 Practical Examples to Make Your Speech on ‘Who I Am’ Effective

To write a speech about ‘Who I am’, it is necessary to reevaluate own life, the main events that influenced a character of an individual. This type of speech is usually delivered when there is the need to present oneself or highlight the main contributors to the process of forming the personality. Has the time come to deal with the speech assignment to answer the question “Who am I in this big world?”

introduce yourselfThe speech on ‘who I am’ should include the description of your personal traits that are inherent to your individuality. It can also relate to a specific event, where you managed to realize the strengths and weaknesses of your own character.

Cover the ‘Who I am’ speech topic as required:

‘Who I Am’ Speech Writing Format: What to Prepare?

Usually, the speeches that are delivered in public on informal occasions can be written in any format, having no set structure or unified purpose of writing the speech – just speak a few lines about yourself. On the surface, it can really seem that it’s as simple as anything to speak about yourself.

But when you’re assigned to write my papers on ‘who I am’, think twice about the same course of action. It won’t apparently give an easy win. Dig a little deeper to get at the truth of the matter – a successful speech on ‘who I am’ is based on many sufficient points:

  • A topic. Yes, you’re right you have the topic for your speech, “Who I Am”. Ok, the fewer points are left to you. You are lucky today. Watch a useful video for it in return.

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  • The purpose of the speech. Be honest with yourself. What do you want to accomplish while speaking in public? Doing it “for a high grade” or “because my teacher told me”? Your audience will certainly figure out the purpose of your speaking. Besides, if your instructor asks you to speak on such a topic, exactly who you are, don’t describe your neighbors.
  • The speech organization. All good pieces of writing, including speeches, require a common shape: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. It should be a flow of your thoughts but presented in a well-structured manner.
  • The proper way of the speech presentation. A good speaker keeps in mind all the 7 tips for an effective presentation according to which you are supposed to be connected with your audience during the whole speaking process. Otherwise, your listeners will stop listening to you when you hardly start speaking.
  • The vivid illustration of the delivered messages. You speech presentation has also an impact on delivering a successful speech. PowerPoint is a good way out, but if you intend to make a speech with a poker face, be ready to face the epic failure. However, if it is your typical behavior, go on illustrating it during your speech.

‘Who I Am’ Speech Outline: What to Include?

The speech on ‘who I am’ is meant to include something that would define yourself to the fullest extent. You can highlight some events from your individual experience where your character and its basic features are/were revealed. But how to do it successfully? The answer is simple “With the help of outline writing”. Let’s simplify the process of creating an outline for your speech on ‘who I am’. Look at the speech structure – every point has its example.

1. Introduction – Attract Your Audience’s Attention

Dear fellow students,

I am standing here today to describe myself. Asking, “Why am I doing it?” Last week, my educator handed out the assignment to prepare a speech on “Who I Am”. Consequently, I’m here. Are you glad to see me? Me too. You can’t imagine how long I’ve thought of the question “Who I am”. I’ve even asked this question all people around me many times. Someone says, “You are my daughter”, another says, “You are my close friend”, and so on.

2. Body – Include as Much Information About Yourself as Possible

So, I am a girl who enjoys the adolescence and new responsibilities that come with maturity. I’ve entered the most crucial period in my student life, as I’ve started the final year at the university. The education that I obtain has already contributed immensely to the shaping of my personality. I am a person who is able to analyze and provide the honest feedback on the surrounding events. I am not afraid of challenges, always considering them as a new opportunity for my personal growth and development of some professional skills that are important for workplace success like critical thinking or time management. Even now, I’m practicing the public speaking that is also essential for my success in the future. I’ve even written a research paper on many of today’s economic issues, prompting me to seek further assistance — write my research paper for me — to delve deeper into the underlying causes of these complex problems. I always enjoy the learning process, being able to understand the underlying reasons for the events that take place in the surrounding world. For example, I’ve managed to find out why the financial crisis occurred in 2008 – we’ve dealt with this issue on Global Economics. I’ve even written a research paper concerning many of today’s economic issues.

I am a girl who loves experiences. I would save money for a new travel, rather than for a new car, jeans or shoes. I enjoy trying new exciting activities that take place around me. Indeed, the world has so much to offer to us, but we tend not to notice the great chances to try ourselves. My admirations in life are bound to the opportunity of having a new experience. I would try waterskiing, fire shows, fencing or skydiving. I perceive the surrounding activities as possibilities of having fun and creating pleasant memories with my friends or family that would last for ages in my memory.

I’m a girl who loves communication, whether it is online or face-to-face. Being social is another feature of me that helps me in this life. However, I must say that I have decreased the number of social contacts with many people around me in the last years because I had to write my dissertation for me. Why? I think that the older you’re, the more experienced you become in the interpersonal relationship. Yes, it is true there are a few people who I can rely on. But all of them are precious to me. Thank you, guys, for that!

I am a girl who always seeks for better. The main principle that I always try to apply to my life and every activity that comes along is the necessity of doing your best at all times. I have been inspired much by people, who are quite successful and feel happy. It seems as if these people show me how to behave in a particular way so that it could guarantee rewards. However, I can totally be overwhelmed with the stressful situations, having little willingness to continue trying. We’ll see how it goes later. I can also be described as a person, who is hardly ever satisfied with all that’s happening – inequalities, poverty, etc. That’s why I am defined by my family and friends as a person who will always give a helping hand and support.

3. Conclusion – Summarize Everything in Several Sentences

I am blessed to live in the modern world with its complexities, have a supportive family and fun-loving friends. I’d like to be not just successful and wealthy as my favorites, but healthy and happy.

We agree that it’s not always easy to write a speech about yourself. But we hope this article will help you come up with good speech’s parts. If they suit your personality, feel free to take them as a basis for your own speech writing. In other cases, you always can rely on our team of speechwriters – just ask them, “write my speech”.

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