Math Concepts that Students Have to Learn No Matter What

It’s no doubt, math itself is a complex concept. It contains a bag of other concepts that together no person on earth can understand. The reality is that math is one of the disciplines that are an integral part of the educational process in many colleges and universities. Regardless of what year level you’re engaged in, math is something that you may choose to learn since the subject is crucial in our routine. Although not many undergrads are math fans, certain concepts are crucial if you want to excel in high school, college, or university. We need this basic knowledge since they are the cornerstones of this field of study and are the things that are of daily importance. In other words, basic math concepts enable us to live in a world full of delusion and fraud.


The term set stands for a group of objects. The latter are called elements of the set. The objects can be intangible (numbers, fictional characters, and so on) and tangible (people, bags, shoes, etc.). Taking into account the fact that sets are a flexible way to organize things around you, it is possible to define every math category by means of sets.

Mathematicians make sure to deal with sets carefully. If they fail to define them correctly, it may cause a range of misunderstandings. For instance, a set can comprise another set. At the same time, this set can comprise itself. When Mathematicians define the whole concept, sets can be used to define operations and numbers. That’s where the math that you already are a fan of starts.

Estimation and Approximation

Estimation and approximations are the skills that you will use on a regular basis. Whatever area you’re engaged in, measurements are an integral part of your routine. Making approximations is everywhere as well, especially when it comes to buying something. When you learn math, you get to know the basic techniques to estimate and approximate weight, quantity, distance, lengths that are used almost every day. If you make sure to gain these skills, you will always know when this or that measurement is accurate and precise, whatever the purpose of it is.


Who cares about zero, you may ask? The reality is that this math concept is one of the most significant inventions in history. Believe it or not, but in Ancient Rome and Greece, people knew nothing about zero even though they were exceptionally good at math.

The concept was invented in different places on the globe. Interesting thing is that it happened independently. For instance, on the territory of South America, Mayans used the system of numbers, and it included zero. Today, the majority of people use the Hindu-Arabic system that was created on the basis of the Arabic system that included the number of zero as a placeholder. What is more, zero is the way that we can explain nothing in math. Now that’s something!

Problem Solving

You don’t learn to problem-solve at the beginning of your math journey. However, this is the key skill that you should gain for the reason that problem-solving enables you to develop and polish up your analytical thinking. You’re going to face loads of situations in your life where you will have to demonstrate solid analytical skills. This is a must when it’s time to make serious decisions. With the strong problem-solving skills that you gain in math, you will soon be able to easily hone and boost your analytical talents. The latter will help you analyze various situations thoroughly before you act upon them.

π (Pi)

Pronounced as pie, the symbol π is a letter taken from the Greek alphabet. This mathematical constant is defined as the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. When it comes to an approximate value of it, π presents the following digits:

π ≈ 3.1415926535…
Despite the fact that this mathematical constant is just a number, it plays a crucial role in math for some weighty reasons:

  • π is an irrational number. In other words, no fraction that equals it exactly can be found. What is more, the constant is also a transcendental number. It means that in a polynomial equation, π is never the value of x.
  • Without π, Geometry would be completely different. For instance, when it comes to circles that are among the most popular shapes, you won’t be able to measure the area of a circle and its circumstance without π.
  • Math includes π everywhere. Literally. No matter what sub-field of math you’re dealing with, π shows up all the time. If, for instance, you’re dealing with trigonometry, π is there to help. Triangles have nothing to do with circles; however, to measure the size of each angle, trig uses circles. And mathematicians can’t work with a compass without good old π.

The XY-graph

The Cartesian coordinate system is also known as xy-graph. Before it was invented, geometry and algebra were known as two absolutely different sub-fields of math, without any relation. While geometry was exclusively the study of various figures in space or on the plane, algebra was solely about equations. When the Cartesian coordinate system was invented in France, geometry and algebra were finally related. As a result, you can draw various solutions to equations that comprise x and y as lines, points, and the rest of the shapes on a graph.

Kitchen Calculation

This may sound quite weird, but the reality is that kitchen math does exist! Let’s say, you have four friends waiting for you to make some delicious pudding, but the recipe that you have at hand serves…three. That’s when fractions and proportions can save the day.

If you have already used the half-cup measure for oil but you need it now for a half-cup of rice flour, it’s possible to use your quarter-cup measure and fill it…twice. Although we don’t even realize it, it’s an important math skill that helps us in everyday life.

As you can see, math is an indispensable part of our life. That is why it is appropriate to learn some of the basics of the discipline since life can get really tough without it. If you find yourself stuck with a math assignment, online experts are there to share the load.

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