50 Thesis Topics in Ophthalmology to Know What to Write About

thesis topics in ophthalmologyOphthalmology is an essential field of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. Since modern society is affected by the negative influence of the technologies, people are constantly suffering from the eyestrain and dry eye. It is not surprising that now you have the question, “How to do my thesis on Ophthalmology?” There are many steps in the thesis writing process. But the first step is to choose the best ophthalmology thesis topic. What is it? Let’s know it from this article. Read it to the end and choose the ophthalmology topic for your own thesis from the list offered below.

Ophthalmology Thesis Topics: What Should They Be?

Thesis topics in ophthalmology should represent solid research in the sphere on the basis of strong evidence. While writing a thesis, one should pay attention to the statistical measures in the field to address the methods and techniques of solving difficult medical tasks. Thesis topics in ophthalmology are significant for the examination of the urgent topics on eye diseases and the discovery of the means of treating the eye conditions.

Ophthalmologists have long been engaged in eye treatment, the study of physiology, but in recent years, science has made a huge leap forward. Today, these doctors create new methods of treatment, conduct scientific activities, trying to find the causes of the development of various diseases, work with congenital and acquired pathologies.

Ophthalmology Research Data to Think Over

If we talk only about statistics in America, then 24, 4 million Americans suffer from cataracts. By the age of 75, this figure reaches half the total population of America of this age. Glaucoma, in turn, affects 2.7 million Americans over 40 years of age.

These figures determine the demand for ophthalmologists in the labor market and the popularity of training in the specialty “Ophthalmology”. Innovative techniques, modern scientific knowledge, and equipment today make it possible to cure eye diseases, which 10 or 15 years ago deprived patients of sight forever.

This is why medical students, encouraged to “write my thesis for me” on innovative ophthalmological treatments, engage in scientific activities starting from college. The successful writing of a dissertation is almost a guarantee of the high professionalism of the graduate and his readiness to help people maintain the ability to see the world. Below we have collected 50 topics of dissertations in ophthalmology. Choose the most interesting to prove that you have the right to call yourself a doctor and treat people.

To begin with, due to the negative impact of computers and laptops, the majority of individuals experience eye pain and dry eye condition. This might be an important topic for discussion since it is estimated that millions of adults suffer from the dry eye. The controversies in ophthalmology have arisen over a long time concerning the etiology of dry eye and experience of pain. The evidence from other fields shows that alterations in the central nervous system exacerbate the irritative symptoms and eye pain. Sometimes, the patient can complain about chronic pain syndrome that is characterized by systemic pain.

Dry eye disease occurs in 5% to 35% of the world population and is more present in females. The condition has severe consequences for life quality negatively influencing visual activity, productivity at work, social interaction, and physical functioning. The sources reveal that individuals with dry eyes of the moderate and severe degree have similar either social or psychological life as people experiencing angina of the same degree or those who made hospital dialysis. The dry eye condition is connected with the disorder of the tear film, meibomian glands, violation of normal ocular surface, and inflammation of the eye surface. The disease is accompanied by the huge discomfort, disturbance of tear film, and visual difficulties that might lead to the damage of the ocular surface. Patients suffering from dry eye disease have problems with focus because of the tear film osmolarity and ocular surface inflammation.

Corneal sensation remaining intact is essential to keep the healthy ocular surface as well as quality and quantity of tears because corneal nerves have the direct trophic impact on maintaining the corneal epithelium. Corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) might be used to reflect the cornea involving the sub-basal nerve layer in people with dry eye disease. As a matter of fact, the condition can be triggered by the majority of mechanisms that result in the ocular irritation; however, it is still not understood what is the cause of dry eyes when the tears are normally produced and the ocular surface is moist enough.

To conclude, the discordant dry eye appears because of the tear production discordance and ocular surface staining. The processes in the central nervous system are interchangeably connected with the severe symptoms of eye strain and ocular surface damage. Further research should be done to relieve the symptoms and find the adequate treatment of the disease.

50 Ophthalmology Dissertation Topics to Choose From

Feel free to check the following list of topics.

  1. Surgical Treatment of Exophoria Complicated by Horizontal V-Syndrome;
  2. Possibilities of Detecting Early Disturbances in Eye Hydrodynamics in Patients with Cataracts and Ocular Manifestations of Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome;
  3. Ultrasound Biomicroscopy in the Diagnosis of Pathology of the Extreme Periphery of the Fundus;
  4. Experimental Clinical Rationale for the Use of Nd: Yag Laser with a Wavelength of 1.44 Microns in the Technology of Anterior Capsulorhexis and Remote Hemostasis;
  5. Medico-Technological System of Surgical Treatment of Progressive Keratectasia of Various Origins;
  6. Subthreshold Micropulse Laser Treatment with a Wavelength of 577 Nm in the Treatment of Central Serous Chorioretinopathy;
  7. The Clinical and Experimental Rationale for the Combined Use of Neodymium Ion 1.44 Microns and Helium-Neon 0.63 Microns Lasers in Cataract Surgery;
  8. Yag-Laser Activation of Trabeculae in the Treatment of Patients with Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma;
  9. The Study of the Effectiveness of Micropulse Laser Irradiation with a Wavelength of 577 Nm in Macular Edema After Surgical Removal of Idiopathic Epiretinal Membrane;
  10. The Clinical and Experimental Rationale for Optimized Uv-Crosslinking Technology in the Treatment of Keratoconus;
  11. Clinical And Laboratory Substantiation of the Use of Orthokeratology Lenses in Progressive Myopia in Children;
  12. Optimization of Surgical Treatment of Retinal Vein Thrombosis Outcomes;
  13. The Results of Surgical Correction of High Myopia with Anterior Chamber Phakic Intraocular Lenses;
  14. The System of Treatment and Rehabilitation Activities in Patients with Paralytic (Paretic) Strabismus;
  15. Surgical Treatment of Keratectasia of Various Origins by the Intrastromal Keratoplasty Method with Polymeric Corneal Segments;
  16. Comparison of Spectral Optical Coherence Tomography and Confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy in the Diagnosis of Primary Glaucoma;
  17. Clinical and Functional Results of Surgical Treatment of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachments Using the Method of Peri-Basal Vitrectomy;
  18. The Modern System of Diagnostics, Treatment, and Organization of High-Tech Ophthalmic Care for Children with Active Stages of Retinopathy of Prematurity;
  19. Limbal Co-Transplantation in the Prevention of Rejection of Donor Corneas in High-Risk Keratoplasty;
  20. Vascular Disorders in the Anterior Part of the Eye at Different Stages of Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome;
  21. Induction of Posterior Vitreous Detachment in the Surgical Treatment of Retinal Detachment;
  22. Combined Phacoemulsification Method in Patients with Operated Glaucoma;
  23. Features of the Quality of Life of Patients with Cataract and Glaucoma Before and After Surgical Treatment;
  24. Ophthalmologic Diagnostics and Tactics of Treatment of Cranio-Orbital Injuries in the Acute Period of Traumatic Brain Injury;
  25. Features of Pupillary Reactions and Regional Hemodynamics of the Eye in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus with Different Levels of Glycemia;
  26. Prevention and Treatment of Corneal Lesions in Endocrine Ophthalmopathy;
  27. Antibacterial Drugs in the Prevention of Complications of Cataract Phacoemulsification;
  28. Possibilities for Stimulating the Secretion of Tears in Patients with Hypolacrimia in the “Dry” Eye Syndrome;
  29. Diagnosis and Treatment of Actinomycotic and Mycotic Diseases of the Lacrimal Ducts;
  30. Study of the Clinical Efficacy of Diaphragm Glasses;
  31. The Study of Sclera Rigidity In Healthy and Glaucomatous Eyes;
  32. Clinical and Instrumental Diagnosis of Malignant Tumors of the Orbit;
  33. Ophthalmotonus Biorhythms in Health and Glaucoma;
  34. Clinical And Laboratory Diagnosis of Early Stages of Keratoconus;
  35. The Clinical and Functional Rationale for the Tactics of Surgical Treatment with a Combination of Retinal Detachment with Lens Opacities;
  36. Combined Surgical Treatment of Retinal Detachment in the Advanced Stage of Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy;
  37. Mathematical, Experimental and Clinical Rationale for the Prevention and Correction of Corneal Astigmatism and Capsular Bag Pathology in Cataract Surgery;
  38. The Method of Combined Treatment of Progressive Myopia;
  39. Modification of Sinusotomy in the Treatment of Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma;
  40. Optimization of Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Involutional Entropion of the Lower Eyelid;
  41. Peripheral Vortical Dystrophies and Retinal Detachment in Pregnant Women: Diagnosis, Treatment, Choice of Method of Childbirth;
  42. Indices of Intraocular Pressure of a Newborn Child Due to the Morphological Features of the Drainage System of the Eye at Different Periods of Gestation;
  43. The Use of Silicone-Hydrogel Contact Lenses in the Treatment of Ulcerative Keratitis;
  44. Prolonged Pharmacotherapy of Glaucomatous Optic Neuropathy;
  45. Modern Aspects of Viscosurgery in Ophthalmology;
  46. Current Possibilities for the Prevention and Treatment of a Blepharo Conjunctival Form of Dry Eye Syndrome of Demodectic Etiology;
  47. An Experimental Study of the Effectiveness of Cell Transplantation in Post-Traumatic Pathology of the Retina;
  48. Vitreoretinal Changes in Case of Eye Injury by Splintering;
  49. Diagnosis and Treatment of Optic Nerve Hypoplasia in Children;
  50. Ocular Manifestations of Antiphospholipid Syndrome.

10 Resources to Find More Information on Ophthalmology Topics

Here are some scientific journals websites you may look through.

  1. American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports
  2. Clinical Ophthalmology
  3. Current Trends in Ophthalmology
  4. Digital Journal of Ophthalmology
  5. International Journal of Keratoconus and Ectatic Corneal Diseases
  6. International Journal of Ophthalmology & Visual Science
  7. IP International Journal of Ocular Oncology and Oculoplasty
  8. Journal of Current Glaucoma Practice
  9. Medical Hypothesis, Discovery, and Innovation in Ophthalmology
  10. Neuro-Ophthalmology & Visual Neuroscience

5 References to Write an Ophthalmology Thesis

  1. Bron, A. J., Tomlinson, A., Foulks, G. N., Pepose, J. S., Baudouin, C., Geerling, G., … & Lemp, M. A. (2014). Rethinking dry eye disease: a perspective on clinical implications. The ocular surface, 12(2), S1-S31.
  2. Dry eye disease: risk factors and selecting treatment. (2015). The Pharmaceutical Journal. http://dx.doi.org/10.1211/pj.2015.20069420
  3. Shtein, R. M., Harper, D. E., Pallazola, V., Harte, S. E., Hussain, M., Sugar, A & Clauw, D. J. (2016). Discordant dry eye disease (an American Ophthalmological Society thesis). Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society, 114.
  4. Sullivan, B. D., Crews, L. A., Messmer, E. M., Foulks, G. N., Nichols, K. K., Baenninger, P., … & Lemp, M. A. (2014). Correlations between commonly used objective signs and symptoms for the diagnosis of dry eye disease: clinical implications. Acta ophthalmologica, 92(2), 161-166.
  5. Yun, C., Kang, S., Kim, H., & Song, J. (2012). Prevalence of Dry Eye Disease among University Students. Journal Of The Korean Ophthalmological Society, 53(4), 505. http://dx.doi.org/10.3341/jkos.2012.53.4.505

Hopefully, you will find our article useful and be able to write the best ophthalmology dissertation ever! Despite choosing a topic, the thesis writing process takes a lot of time to take the other steps – brainstorming, research, note-taking, outlining, structuring, drafting, writing itself, formatting, proofreading, etc. If you want to save you time or nerves, you know what to do. Right? DoMyPapers.com is 24/7 open to you.

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